Falling in Love with Sean Connery

Maybe I was just hormonal. Maybe for a moment I was busy reflecting on all the great and horrible things I have experienced in romantic relationships. I think though that the most likely cause of this emotional swell so unlike me was that I had a chance to be present in someone else's "moment."
It was "Elegant" night aboard the Carnival Valor ship which was headed towards Roatan Honduras. I was wearing my little black dress and feeling very content after a beautiful meal and a stroll hand in hand with my lovely escort. We were leaning up against a banister rail several floors up and watching a few couples out on the dance floor below moving to a quite impressive version of Bryan Adam's "Heaven" performed by one of the most amazing female vocalists I've heard in real life.
I knew that my companion was going to make a crack about Bryan's music. I didn't care. That particular song always brings me back to those turbulent high school days. Bittersweet memories of young love and all the stupid and naive things I used to believe. It was an innocent time. I have learned to have a kind of motherly love for the stupid girl that was me.
I smiled at my partner as he rolled his eyes and laughed. He knows I still love Bryan Adams.
Just as the vocalist was about to hit the main chorus, "Baby you're all that I want...." We looked down and saw a Sean Connery looking older gentleman slip his hand down to rest lovingly on his wife's plump behind. I giggled a bit at the bold public gesture that told the rest of us that he still found much pleasure in his mate.
As they continued to dance and move, I saw his wife's face....and this is what got me. She had turned her head up to meet his eyes with hers... and she was singing to him. I about lost it right there.
Here was a couple that had probably been walking the road together for decades. I imagine they had been through the wringer more than once and at one time or another one or both of these people were probably ready to head for the door. Yet here they were. Together through it all, dancing, and loving...and singing to each other.
I wondered if this was a moment they would remember forever.
I know I'll never forget it.
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