Get Over Yourself...Seriously

Last week I was in Best Buy, the man playground of choice for my darling man/boy. I don't mind Best Buy at all. The T.V's are are really huge, and although he points out the difference between LCD screens and plasma almost every time we go in, there is usually something interesting enough on that I don't mind the repeated attempts toward technological education. Unfortunately for my beau I can tune out as easily and as quickly as he can surf channels.

We were over at the entertainment station in the back sitting in the big easy chairs. The sign said something about a 3D movie watching experience. I didn't see anything that looked 3D to me, but since many things in that store fall outside my realm of experience I just sort of breezed over it and figured maybe the sign didn't really mean what I thought it did.

As we were getting up from our temporary resting spot and my love was just finishing lecture number 47 on whatever t.v we were looking at (seriously babe, it's a don't have to convince me, just get whatever you want). A young man came over to help us out and explain what exactly this particular entertainment station was capable of.

I noticed he looked different and found myself in that awkward moment when I was feeling compassion, but worried about being insulting by acting compassionate. It was evident that this man had suffered terribly in an accident. His face was severely disfigured and half of his nose was missing. He had a spacer in one nostril...I assume for some functional reason...maybe to prepare for plastic surgery or maybe just so that he could breathe better.

I focused on his eyes. His eyes were quite lovely. I could see that they had experienced some physical damage too but nothing like the lower part of his face. He was well built and healthy otherwise. Nice body, charming personality.

I wondered how he had changed since his accident. What did he have to push through or get over to stand in front of us selling entertainment systems? How did what happen to his body change his inner sense of self? I can't even imagine the tearing down and building up that must have happened.

My thoughts shifted to his social life and to his ability to have an adult relationship. I wondered if he was in a relationship and if he had met her before or after his accident. I wondered if women saw all the incredible personality traits that I just found in this person.

I thought about how vain I am and how much money I spend on my skin. If I had an accident like that, would I have the courage to go out day after day looking so different? I imagine I could do it...but I would have to change a lot about myself and who I imagine myself to be.

Here I am worrying about a pimple or a couple smile lines when someone like that can go out, hold his head high and work at Best Buy providing friendly and educational customer service. Boy do I ever need to get over myself.

He overwhelmed me with his honesty and strength. He was out there for all to see. No attempts at concealment. No cover up. Just him.

He showed us the special glasses that you wear and voila! There was the 3D that the sign promised. It was a pretty cool system. If I ever win the lottery..I'll really consider buying one as long as this guy is there to get the commission.

I don't know who you are Best Buy guy but your courage is inspirational. I hope women see you for the beauty that you are.


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