Curious... Very Curious

Everything about the Harry Potter books and movies have become something "special" he and I do together. I am truly grateful for Ms. Rowling's calling for story sharing. Her literary works have become a major part of my son's childhood that he and I will both recall well into his adulthood.
What is it about this story that has us in a frenzy? Could it be the magic? Could it be the basic struggle of good over evil? Could it be that JK Rowling has managed to create a world so fantastic we just can't look away?
Here is my theory.
I believe we are so drawn to Harry Potter for one big reason...choice.
The main reoccurring theme we see from the moment the sorting hat is placed on Harry's head until the moment when he...well....I won't ruin the end for you if you've yet to read it... involves Harry's internal struggle to discern who he is meant to become.
How much of who we are is meant to be and what parameters are we afforded to create change and goodness...even in the midst of unfortunate events and tragedy?
If we looked at our lives like we were a character in a book, how might we see things differently? If we were to take responsibility for the creation of the text what would we write? How much of the plot could we change simply by taking an active role rather than a passive one?
Your story is one book in a never ending library. Every character you have written into your story is also in the process of writing their own story that includes you as a major or minor element…in fact your character may inadvertently do something that affects the development of a book four shelves down and 100 books to the right…and you may never know about the effect you had, or even who that person was during this lifetime.
In three words, the entire life experience is “curious...very curious.” Mr. Ollivander's statement about the wand that chose Harry can be applied to the circumstances that seem to choose us.
Imagine how the Harry Potter story would be different if told from Ron or Hermione's perspective! How did Harry's choices affect people he barely knew? Wouldn't it be interesting to hear about the world that Harry lived in from one of the minor characters in the book like Madam Rosmerta?
Harry speak to us on so many levels. We are looking forward to seeing you again this Saturday.
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