Adventures in Babymaking

This was written March 11th, the day I found out I was going to be a mommy again.
Boy, I've never actually tried to make a baby before last month and here we are already! I had NO IDEA there was such a bizarre covert language and cultural thing going on with women that are ttc and wishing for baby dust.
Who knew that 13dpo I would have sore bb's and be so obsessed with the comings and goings of AF. I didn't even bother to chart my BBT..."Shoot" I thought, maybe I messed up? By 14dpo I just couldn't wait any longer and figured I'd better go ahead with hpt. I figured if I could hold out another day that might lesson the chances of a disappointing BFN but was feeling a bit nauseous and thought I'd just do it anyway.
Voila! A BFP stared back up at the counter at me and I happily skipped in to tell my still sleeping DH that all of his organs were in fine working order. At 14dop I guess the hCG was strong enough to cause an..... OMG!!!This was written when morning sickness was well underway...about 4 weeks after the first post.
Dear God, I am truly humbled that you have decided to partner with me again in the creative process of making a person. I was wondering perhaps if I might be able to convince you to renegotiate the terms of our contract. Morning sickness...which is lasting all day long... is making it very difficult for me to remain the bubbly, happy, ecstatic, and joy filled host your little miracle would find the most spiritual comfort in.
I don't mind giving up coffee, or chocolate, or tea, or alcohol, or working out like a maniac. You were clever enough to give me a physical aversion to all of these things during this delicate time. Can the nausea give way soon to interesting cravings please? Why don't I like the thought of gorging myself on ice cream??? Oh...because I haven't been hungry in weeks. My hunger has been replaced by a consistent ocean of rage in my stomach that is only calmed by eating...a process I no longer enjoy.
This was written after I saw what my body had been busy trying to make.
Okay... if this is the way I work I guess the nausea is worth it. I'm very excited to meet this strange little alien growing in my belly. He/she's got a heart beat...and was lively enough to move around during our ultrasound. This is incredible. I think I can suck up the sick feeling for a few more weeks.
ReplyDeleteCongrats! I still hope the sickness goes away soon for your sake!